Venture into a Christmas word game or visualize a letter-themed Christmas gathering, whatever your reason, if you’re looking for Christmas words that start with the letter V, we’ve done our best to come up with some for you below!
First we’ll just give you the list of Christmas ‘V’ words so you can easily find a word you might be searching for. Then, further down the page, you’ll find our explanation and justification as to why we think each word belongs on a ‘Christmas word’ list.

Christmas Words Beginning With V
- Vixen
- Vacation
- Visit
- Village
- Virgin Mary
- Visions
- Volunteer
- Vigil
- Venison
- Voices
- Votive
- Vibrant
- Vin Chaud
- Variety
- Verse
- Victorian
- Vintage
- Voucher

We think we did pretty well to come up with a list this long full of Christmas words that start with the letter V! But we know some of you may be wondering about some of these words and how they fit into Christmas. Let us explain:
One of Santa Claus’s eight reindeer, traditionally named in the famous poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” (commonly known as “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”).
Many people take time off work or school to celebrate Christmas, making it a common period for vacations, family gatherings, and travel.
Christmas is a time for visiting family and friends, and it’s often a tradition to host or attend holiday gatherings.
Christmas villages, also known as holiday villages, are miniature village scenes set up as decorations. They often include small buildings, people, and holiday scenes.
Virgin Mary
Central to the Christmas story in Christian tradition, the Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, whose birth is celebrated on Christmas. ‘The Virgin Mary has a baby boy, the Virgin Mary had a baby boy, the Virgin Mary had a baby boy, and they say that his name was Jesus’.
Refers to “visions of sugar-plums” from the poem “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” which is a popular literary reference during the holiday season.
The Christmas season inspires many to volunteer their time to help those in need, such as working at soup kitchens, donating to charity, or participating in community service.
Christmas Eve vigil services are held in many Christian denominations, marking the period of waiting and preparation for the birth of Jesus. It could also be said that some children like to keep a vigil or lookout for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve!
In some cultures, venison (deer meat) is a traditional dish served during Christmas feasts and celebrations.
Christmas caroling is a popular tradition where groups sing Christmas songs and hymns, often going door-to-door or performing at events. ‘As we lift up our voices and sing, to the Christ child, our heavenly King.’
Votive candles are often used in religious ceremonies and as part of Christmas decorations, symbolizing hope and light.
The Christmas season is known for its vibrant and colorful decorations, lights, and festive atmosphere.
Vin Chaud
French for “mulled wine,” a warm, spiced wine drink that is popular in many European countries during the Christmas season.
The Christmas season features a variety of customs, foods, decorations, and traditions, making it a diverse and multifaceted celebration.
Christmas hymns and carols often include verses that celebrate the holiday’s religious significance, and Bible verses are read during Christmas services.
The Victorian era greatly influenced modern Christmas traditions, such as Christmas trees, cards, and the emphasis on family gatherings and festivities.
Vintage Christmas ornaments and decorations are cherished for their nostalgic value and are often passed down through generations, adding to the holiday’s charm.
A popular Christmas gift when you don’t know what to buy someone.

Hopefully our explanations have satisfied even the toughest of critics, and you have managed to find a Christmas ‘V’ word to suit your needs from our list of ideas.
From the magical imagery of Vixen helping to pull Santa’s sleigh, to the timeless significance of the Virgin Mary in the nativity story, each word carries its unique festive charm.
Whether it’s the joyful voices of carolers filling the air, the vibrant decorations that light up our homes, or the warmth of sharing a glass of vin chaud with loved ones, these words illustrate the variety of ways we celebrate Christmas.
We hope that you’ve been victorious in finding the Christmas word beginning with the letter V that you were searching for!